After the Decision

Making decisions is a common task for every leader. We tend to believe that once a decision is made that the hard work is done. Considering the factors involved, determining the best course to follow, then deciding what to do or where to go, is the challenge. In reality, the steps a leader takes after the decision is made are the most important. The decision you make is only impactful if it is executed. Following any major decision, consider:

How are you communicating? Summarize your decision and send it out to the stakeholders. Connect the decision to your goals so that those involved can see how the decision links to what you are trying to accomplish. Ensure that your decision and the actions needed to execute it are clearly outlined. 

How are you delegating? Make sure each stakeholder understands the objectives and their specific role in making it happen. Does your team know what they are supposed to execute and why? Often the people who are acting on your decision may not have been in the room when the call was made. Don’t assume that upon making a decision everyone will know what to do. 

How are you balancing? Over time, follow up to ensure progress is being made. Follow up is not something you do in meetings, but rather between them. During meetings, action lists are confirmed and only those important areas of adjustments are brought to the table. Most follow up is simply checking in on a regular basis to ensure team members are making progress and that any pinch-points are addressed. 

How is everyone performing? Decision making, like all areas of leadership, is a learning process. Enter into your decision follow-up with the goal of learning how your decision can have the greatest positive impact. Are you understanding the root causes for problems you will encounter along the way. Can improvements be made. Most importantly, can your team trust your openmindedness to even have these kinds of discussions? 


Embracing Change


Making a Plan