Leadership Vs. Talent

Are you a natural-born leader? Do you have the innate characteristics necessary to lead others well? Consider that leadership as a talent might not be the key to success for the leader. Rather, those who are willing to develop their leadership on a continuous basis are the ones who eventually find success as leaders.

The best leaders may be born with certain desired traits—ingenuity, creativity, motivational skills, perseverance. But great leaders continue to refine and develop those gifts as a skill set. As leaders adopt a lifestyle of learning, the increase their listening, hone their attitudes, and build their skill set. In fact, consider these three leadership essentials that require no talent whatsoever:

Care. Courtesy, decency and authenticity are in short supply. Many leaders are elitist, rude, dismissive, condescending. Simply resolving to extend basic human courtesy can be a powerful tool for leadership. 

Follow through. It takes no talent to simply do what you say you are doing to do. A leader who keeps their promises and commitments is one who will build trust in their reports along the way. 

Show up happy. The greatest leaders smile, listen, engage and generally have a positive attitude coupled with a high energy level. They have a presence mentally and physically. They don’t have to be the smartest person in the room—but they do have to be present in the room, and bring a mindset that a positive contribution is important, no matter what the size.

These characteristics can be learned, and can be improved and increased over time. They are not so much talents as they are skills. Remember, you don’t have to be a born leader to be a great leader. Your commitment to see your own flaws and weaknesses and attack them consistently through improvement will put you on a path to effective leadership. It’s not the pedigree that builds greatness, but rather the desire to be great.


Leading Who, Not What


First Lead Thyself