The Faith of a Leader

Leadership is often nourished and taught in the absence of faith. The Bible has much to say about leadership, by both instruction and example. In the context of faith, we were meant to be godly leaders. And that kind of leadership is distinct and different from leadership that is absent from a relationship with God.  

Centered on relationships. Godly leaders focus on their key relationships. All ministries, all activities for the cause of God and done out of commitment to faith, are centered on relationships. They are the only things we take with us beyond this world—no possessions, no stature, no earthly power remains; just the relationships we have built with others, and if those others are Christ-followers, we will see them again in heaven. A godly leader cultivates and cherishes relationships, and desires to see others flourish and grow in their own right. A godly leader is all about people. 

Committed to authenticity. The key marks of character—honesty, transparency, truthfulness—are the marks of someone who is living authentically. And this is made possible through faith, which places greater value not on self-worth, but on worth in context of a relationship with God. When our value comes from our relationship with God, so does our confidence, and our ability to live humbly and in deference to others. In godly leadership there is no “public life” and “private life”. You live one integrated life, whether with a client or at home with your family. You are a work in progress, as are all those around you, and will dedicate a lifetime to grow and develop as a leader.  

Pursuing a purpose. Ultimate fulfillment will not be found in possessions, prestige or position. Rather it is found in the pursuit of a higher purpose. Godly leaders find that purpose in God, and so they are fulfilled and have a peace and joy that comes from within, not without. A godly leader understand that not everything is measured through immediate and tangible outcomes, but rather the fruit of our labor may be long-term, or laying a foundation for another to cultivate later.  

Grounded in God. Finally, a godly leader lives by faith in Christ. They adhere to the teachings of Scripture, and exemplify a lifestyle driven in obedience to the words and example of Jesus. This spiritual foundation brings a special degree of clarity and confidence to the leader as they lean heavily on the wisdom and direction that God provides. All facets of leadership—worldview, vision, motivation, achievement, competency and more—are heavily influenced by faith for a godly leader. Ultimately the godly leader is able to lead higher, and enable the people and organizations they lead to realize a more meaningful and richer experience in their humble hands.


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