Self Awareness Takes Effort

Uncovering truths and passion about yourself takes time and guidance. At LDC, we strive to help our clients bolster their strengths and understand their weaknesses to become more effective leaders in their community and businesses.

McKittrick Simmons, Managing Partner at Sweetwater Holdings Company, utilized our Life and Career Planning services to better uncover his strengths and to gain a new perspective on life. 

“The CEO of my company suggested I go through the Life and Career Planning program, which I did. It turned out to be one of the best things I have done, from a career standpoint and the experience was great. It provided a lot of questions, information, and perspectives that I did not have before.

By the end of the program, I was very grateful that I had gone through the process. I describe the process as a combination of analytical information and intuitive information, where you take this interesting set of tests that give you information about aptitudes, which is really helpful.

Chris and his colleagues are all expert question askers and are very good at drawing information out of you. They are good at comparing the two to get a better sense of how you are made, how you think and what it is that you want to do. All of us think that we know ourselves really well but self-awareness actually takes a fair amount of work.

In my personal life, Meredith and I have been married for ten years, and we have four children. I think the conversations we had during the process and the things I learned about myself have been very helpful in a family setting. I feel like it has equipped me to be a better husband, father, and I feel like I am a better friend to my friends.

Professionally, it helps in the work environment just to know what you are actually good at and what you think you are good at but might not be as strong in.

The process has definitely had a lasting impact. The Life and Career Planning process really forces you to take some inventory of things and it gives you the information you just wouldn’t otherwise have. Most of us need to be forced to do that because we don’t do it on our own.”


Turning Negatives Into Positives


It Pays to Plan Ahead